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Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Apples photos - my references for the apples lessons
Topic: Art Class

So long since posting here! If they will load here, you can use these apple bough photos which were the references we use for the yearly apples lesson. Whether drawing in color or painting with watercolor.


Apple bough photo by Catinka Knoth
apple bough photo by Catinka Knoth

Posted by Catinka Knoth at 12:40 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 3 October 2018 1:31 PM EDT
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Saturday, 10 October 2015
September 2015 adult art class lessons and student drawings displays - buildings of St. George, Maine
Topic: Art Class
Harjula's barn, student drawings, adult class, Sept. 2015

Maine farmhouse - student drawings and practices, adult art class, 9/21/15. Click links to see the art displays. We practiced parallelograms by
a)coloring into an imaginary outline
b) coloring in an outline.
Then we did the same drawing methods for shapes with converging edges.
Look for this idea in the roof of this reference photo. We drew that roof big on a fresh piece of paper. We tried to color in the shape as a whole, without outlining before. Then came the front wall of the house. Assess where the back corner of the back roof is and mark with a dot. We tend to make our short side of the house too wide. It usually appears much narrower than you think. Draw the line for the back of the roof. Judge the angles of the ground line. Remember you also judge where it is in relation to the edge of the photo, assuming the photo is not awry!
Windows - hang a very taught 'clothesline' for the windows to hang off, (second story). Use simple straight strokes hanging off that clothesline. Do same for first floor windows.
Oops! Find the centerline of the front wall, (street front), to make the center window and front door. Centerline? Where diagonals from corner to corner drawn on the front wall cross.
REMEMBER - verticals need to be VERTICAL. Stand up straight.
We are seeing leaps here in how many of these buildings are standing up straight.
Add the L of the building if you can.

Maine farmhouse, student drawings, adult art class, Sept. 2015

Harjula's barn - a kind of perspective practice to start. We drew those colored in boxes in both the wrong way and a somewhat right way. No real why is it right or wrong. Just draw and try to figure out what differences you observe. These colored in boxes are drawn without outlines. They are to be colored into imaginary outlines.
Then a bit of forced perspective just to get a taste of the concept. Get verticals vertical and not slanting. That is a top priority - or your barn will lean or start to float off its foundation.
Then we worked from the reference photo of Harjula's barn, located on Rt. 131, here in Maine. Any barn can do though.

Harjula's barn, student drawings, adult art class, Sept. 2015

St. George Grange, student drawings, adult art class, Sept. 2015

Posted by Catinka Knoth at 1:04 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 10 October 2015 1:49 PM EDT
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Monday, 26 January 2015
February Celebrations Adult Art Workshops at Rockland Library, 2015
Topic: Art Class

Press Release:

February Celebrations Adult Art Workshops at Rockland Library, 2015

Rockland - Catinka Knoth  will lead an art workshop series for adults,
on creating motifs for  celebrations of February:  Valentines, Mardi Gras, and Chinese New Year, (Year of the Sheep). Each week will be a
different subject. Classes meet 11 a.m.  Mondays, February 2, 9,
(library closed for Presidents' Day, Feb. 16), and 23, in the Community
Room, Rockland Public Library, 80 Union St.  Led by Knoth,
participants will create their own art. Knoth provides the  classes  
free of charge, with materials supplied. Friends of Rockland Library
host the workshops, which are open to the public. FMI Knoth at 596-0069
or Rockland Library at 594-0310.

2/02    Valentine's  Day roses, papercuts & cards
2/09    Mardi Gras masks
2/16    Library closed for Presidents' Day        
2/23    Chinese New Year - Year of the Sheep, Ram, Goat  

Knoth will provide instruction and guidance in drawing and creating the
fantasy images of February's celebrations. Participants will work with
pencil, colored pencil,  crayon, and papercut, with a focus on drawing
in color.

Knoth paints watercolors of Maine and whimsical animal scenes, which
she offers as cards and prints. She teaches a free weekly children's
drawing class at Rockland Public Library, sponsored by Wendy and Keith
Wellin. For more information about Knoth's work visit

Posted by Catinka Knoth at 12:01 AM EST
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Saturday, 20 December 2014
Winter Scenes adult art workshops, January 2015
Topic: Art Class
Press Release:
Winter Scenes Adult Art Workshops with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Library

Rockland - Catinka Knoth  will lead an art workshop series for adults, 
on creating scenes such as evergreen trees in snow, lacy snow covered branches,  buildings in a snowy landscape, winter animals, and winter sports. Each week will be a different subject. Classes meet 11 a.m.  Mondays, January 5, 12, and 26, at the Community Room, Rockland Public Library, 80 Union St.  (The library is closed January 19th, for  Martin Luther King Day.) Led by Knoth, participants will  create their own winter scenes. Each week is a different subject. Knoth provides the classes  free of charge, with materials supplied. Friends of Rockland Library host the workshops, which are open to the public. FMI Knoth at 596-0069 or Rockland Library at 594-0310.

1/05    Evergreens in snow
1/12    Penguins & winter sports
1/19    No class - Library closed for Martin Luther King Day
1/26    Winter scenes

Knoth will provide instruction and guidance in drawing and creating 
winter scenes of January.  Participants will work with pencil, colored 
pencil,  crayon, and sometimes papercutting, with a focus on drawing in color.

Knoth paints watercolors of Maine and whimsical animal scenes, which 
she offers as cards and prints. She teaches a free weekly children's 
drawing class at Rockland Public Library, sponsored by Wendy and Keith Wellin. For more information about Knoth's work visit 

Posted by Catinka Knoth at 8:14 PM EST
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Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Woodland Animals and November Themes Adult Art Workshop Series with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public Library, 2014 
Topic: Art Class
Rockland - Catinka Knoth will teach drawing woodland animals and themes of November, with a focus on drawing in color, 11 a.m. most Mondays, November 3, 17, and 24, in the Community Room, Rockland Public Library, 80 Union St.


Knoth leads participants in working with colored pencils and crayons to create their own colored drawings of woodland animals and November themes. Students will use a variety of exercises and methods to help develop new ways of seeing, observing, and designing. Knoth provides the classes free of charge and open to the general public, with materials supplied; Friends of Rockland Library host. FMI Knoth at 596-0069 or Rockland Library at 594-0310.


Knoth will give instruction and guidance in drawing November's themes. Each week is a different motif, as follows:



11/03 Deer
11/10 No class
11/17 Woodland animals
11/24 Wild turkeys & pheasants


Knoth paints watercolors of Maine and whimsical animal scenes, which she offers as cards and prints. She teaches a free weekly children's drawing class at Rockland Public Library, sponsored by Wendy and Keith Wellin. For more information about Knoth's work visit www.catinkacards.com.


Posted by Catinka Knoth at 5:29 PM EDT
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