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Thursday, 31 August 2017
Comments and musings from my Facebook, 8/31/17
Topic: Life

On - Teachers ages class of 1970

I still feel I'm that age - or both ages. I wish we had known then that the teachers, or all our elders, are mostly all still kids as well. I have recently come to see that we get white hair, wrinkles, etc. just for indentification/role purposes! Simply like a theatre mask that shows what role you are playing on the stage of life.


I definitely feel that all ages simultaneously. ..I had no idea that B was that young though...well maybe I did but to me that was an old age - Haha. And the grown ups were not about to give it up - their position of 'power' that comes with being 'older'. Or maybe it is also because of what the generations went thru. We were allowed to be kids forever. They were not. Right into a huge war, as kids.

Can we morph this into a painting of butterflies ...soon winging their long distances...
Printable Swallowtail Butterfly watercolor notecard by Catinka Knoth, on Etsy



Fishing vessel (had had it confused with Laura B.) heading home past Marshall Pt. Light. I have been looking for my pic everywhere and just remembered it was my first upload to this album back in 2010! I also found in my online stuff my pic yes of the Laura B. also heading home to Port Clyde. Had needed these pics for class. We got what we needed for  class, but the source files remain locked up in my various dead computers. Good reason to disseminate. 


 Same reason seeds need to move away from home and a good case for loose borders. (Thank goodness for birds, and by extension smugglers?)



On surge in local traffic accidents this summer:

I'm wondering if it is pent up impatience of having to go thru those construction zones that have been seen this summer as mostly due to being done wrong the first time around. Makes people angrier and once out of there, off they roar🐯.


But not because of construction per say but because people are pissed at the reason for the construction. In one area it may be fine but the anger over one spot gets generalized to all of it. It also represents a lot of other government etc divisions and perceptions overall. 


Posted by Catinka Knoth at 11:17 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 2 September 2017 1:18 PM EDT
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Thursday, 28 April 2016
Spring surprise photo upload test.
Topic: Life

It has been quite a while since posting to this blog. So much easier to post to my CKnotes 4 blog. I want to keep up with this one better.

... so I want to post a pic, but can't find anything suitable quickly enough! Most of the very recent pics are on the camera and I've only been transfering to the laptop what I need at the moment. I thought I had transferred a crayon drawing I did a few days ago of daffodils. Cannot find it just now, so, yikes -  I have no idea what i just put in for upload. It is from last year in April. I don't know if it is my art, student art, or a mess in my house. Could be a receipt pic. Right now I just want to test how hard it is to do a straight upload to the blog, since I never do it that way. Usually I prep the image to make it brighter and smaller. Then I upload it to my online files - my site etc host. Then I custom code it into the blogpost. I want the image to have a title, and alt tags. It gets way too complicated. But that was also harder to do when I was using the tablet. Coding is such a slippery business on a touchscreen keyboard. I reverted to using the other blog because there I could simply email a post, with pics and all. The pics would not get the customization but it was just so easy that way. Now that I have gone so long without using the tablet, I may as well compare again what it means to upload via this blogging tool with its image uploader.Having written all this, which I did not time, the image is supposedly and hopefully still uploading. The uploader is only saying "sending request to blog.tripod...", so who knows if anything is actually happening. I should have made a note of my start time. The time now is 6:42pm. And the pic is just appearing. Can't see it yet! Phew - almost deleted it. It is my demo drawing of baby animals, from last April. This is what a whiteboard drawing looks like before I prep it to post. Terrible color and contrast. Last year I still had a wonderful option available to convert murky whiteboard drawings into high-contrast black and white line art. That was a special website I sent the photos to. Before that 'app' existed, I did it manually in a program on my computer. That program though is locked up in my now dead computer. It took a long time to do conversions that way anyway. Having once been spoiled to not have to do it manually, I don't know if I am willing to return to that method. Anyway, I need to get access the program to be able to use it. Seems like our races with technology keep winding up in reverse. Either they break or they change to dropping what one had found so useful before. I see this as living on constantly shifting sands. The upheavals seem to come so quickly. Could that be the point, (intrinsically speaking)? One must develope one's own inner resources for what is essentially most important to oneself. Does one do an action for its 'importance' to one's self or because one loves to do it and one loves to learn and explore it and the ramifications of the action? I do love being able to share this kind of drawing in a way that others can have fun with them. I do love for them to be seen. I love to show them off. But the most important thing should be loving to actually DO them. I love HAVING them, and seeing them afterwards, even if only in passing. But, like the thoughts one has, the words one speaks, the food one eats, the music one makes, all such things go off into the wind. For all we know they may continue to exist somewhere, but in our current state of being humans in this form, we cannot know for sure what happens with those actions of the moment. Sorry there are no paragraph breaks here. This will certainly be hard to read. 7:03 pm 4/28/16, Thursday. - CK

Posted by Catinka Knoth at 7:07 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 February 2015
The Big Bad Winter and a Note to Self!, and... an Arctic Animals coloring book.
Topic: Life

0218/15 11:39a Note to self:
it is not the environment, the conditions, that matters to the animals. they go about their business no matter what, joyfully, zestfully, taking it as it comes, making the best of whatever is in front of them. we get caught up in the myth that we ought to have the conditions we want. let us instead make things wondrous no matter what, take things in awe as they come. yess! let me remember this.

I have been looking for every way to see winter differently so that i will not get as down about it when it comes rolling around again almost as if it never left.
so, for instance:
Do polar bears want winter to leave?
Do penguins want winter to go?
There are whole species that thrive in constant winter. They are made for it. They need it.
Our problems with it, (those of us who have problems with it), is that we have put on such heavy other associations with it. Let us instead just put on our heavy winter clothes, make our heat, and get to it!

After these thoughts came to me while watching the backyard animals go about their business, and my cat so thrilled in the window because the squirrel and bluejay were coming for peanuts so close to the window, that he had not a moment to even think about asking to go outside yet, I wrote up my reminder to self. And then realized, how perfect to connect it with the arctic animals coloring pages i recently put together. They are mostly demonstration drawings from the kids' art class series. Many of these images are also in another of my coloring page collection.

arctic animals drawing by Catinka Knoth 2015

Download the Arctic Animals Coloring Pages Book, PDF!

Donate and find the other coloring book:



Posted by Catinka Knoth at 1:41 PM EST
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Saturday, 9 February 2013
Shovelling out from the Blizzard of 2013, Nemo
Topic: Life

Snowplow had not gotten here yet around Noon. Here my neighbor and his buddies shovel out of the driveway during the Blizzard of '13, (Nemo). They had come quite a ways before I thought to grab the camera. At first their shovelfuls seemed to just blow straight up in the air. Either they had only one shovel or they knew they had to rest anyway, so they just kept taking turns. Snow was 18" at least, or who knows. When they got near the end, two threw themselves down onto the last snow pile - to flatten it or for the sheer joy of being at the end. The last pull out onto the road I only got with the camera's little video. That needs some conversion I think so it won't get posted in time to mean anything... Portland Maine set its record with 31.9" so far, (hope I got that right). Nothing like that up the coast here in Rockland Maine. ...Matinicus Rock, 68 mph gust, 20 miles off the coast.

They'd already gotten this far before I got the camera out. shoveling out of the driveway blizzard 2013 Nemo 01

One shovel or just taking turns? shoveling out of the driveway blizzard 2013 Nemo 02

shoveling out of the driveway blizzard 2013 Nemo 03
Two throw themselves down in the last few feet of snow pile before breaking through to the road. For the joy of it, or to flatten the snow?! shoveling out of the driveway blizzard 2013 Nemo 04
White out blast.
shoveling out of the driveway blizzard 2013 Nemo 05
Get in! In a few minutes they'll blast through to the road. shoveling out of the driveway blizzard 2013 Nemo 06
Hard to see here what they had shoveled. A few hours later some had filled in again with the wind and drifting. Plow came through later. I have not been out back to check my car yet. Not going out til tomorrow! shoveling out of the driveway blizzard 2013 Nemo 07

Posted by Catinka Knoth at 5:42 PM EST
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Saturday, 5 May 2012
Seagull beggars...
Topic: Life

Testing whether I can copy my Facebook pic into this blogging tool, since it is not letting me upload pics with this device...

Now for the little story - Fw: Seagull begger at mcD's ...I'm in my car at McD's... Suddenly there are loud footsteps on the roof. Seagull landed. I can see its shadow. And now there is another on the hood. The beggars.

 The crows should be as accommodating for pics

....Yah - with those eyes looking back at me so up close and personal, they may as well be something in disguise! Car is getting too hot in the sun and I don't know if I can dare open the window! 

 HaHa - opened windows made them take off!



Gone for now - better loot elsewhere (no loot here). And, a painstaking lesson in this form of copy/paste... 



Posted by Catinka Knoth at 6:38 PM EDT
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