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Sunday, 24 June 2012

Topic: 4th of July

Thomaston's Fourth Festivities Feature Flapjacks, Fast Feet, Flags, Floats,Fanfare, Firetrucks, Food, Fun, & Fireworks

Schedule of Events - 2012 schedule - from our website at www.thomastonmaine4thofjuly.com.

The day's events start early with a pancake breakfast at the Masonic Hall, races, a craft tent, a pet show, parade, chicken barbecue, food & vendor booths, free dunk tank, games for kids, bouncy houses, horseshoe tournament, musical entertainment, and end with a grand fireworks finale. Many activities are behind the business block. Join your friends, neighbors, and visitors to Maine, and have a glorious Independence Day in Thomaston, Maine!

7:00 AM         Pancake Breakfast
Breakfast will be served in the Masonic Temple located on Main Street in Thomaston.

7:30 AM         Kids' Fun Race & Adults' Firecracker Race Sign Up
Sign up for the races will be on Beechwood Street by Route 1. Free entry for kids under age 12 and tee-shirt prizes. Adult entry fee is $10, includes tee-shirt. Contact race organizers Lynn and Bob Snow at 354-0416 or swymma@gmail.com FMI. Thank you to our race sponsor, Pik-Qwik in Thomaston, and to the hard working volunteers who get up so early every 4th of July!

8:00 AM         Kids' 1 Mile Fun Race Starts
Kids Fun Race will begin at 8:00 am on Beechwood Street. Race sponsored by Pik-Qwik in Thomaston.

8:30 AM         Adults' 5K Firecracker Race Starts
Starts on Beechwood Street. Race sponsored by Pik-Qwik in Thomaston.

9:00 AM         Craft Tent Opens
Craft Tent open until 4:00 PM and will be located behind the Masonic Temple Building.

9:05 AM         Parade Staging
Staging area for the parade will be located by the town cemetery in Thomaston. The theme is "Once Upon a Time...". For a parade application, email Julie Russo at julie@brookstrapmill.com , or Download and print out Thomaston 4th of July Parade Application 2012, pdf from the website www.thomastonmaine4thofjuly.com
or download as rtf file Thomaston 4th of July Parade Application 2012, (rtf file)to print out.

9:15 AM         Pet Show
Pet Show will be located behind the Thomaston Business Block, in front of Lura Libby School.

11:00 AM         4th of July Parade
Staging area for the parade will be by the town cemetery in Thomaston. Gather at 9am...for a parade application, email Julie Russo at julie@brookstrapmill.com. or download and print out Thomaston 4th of July Parade Application 2012, pdf
or download as rtf file Thomaston 4th of July Parade Application 2012, (rtf file)to print out.
The parade will start by the cemetery and head down Main Street through town center. Thank you to the organizers of the parade, who are all volunteers. We appreciate your hard work!

12:00 PM         After the Parade - Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony with local elected dignitaries, singing of the national anthem, introduction of marshal and Mr. and Ms. 4th of July.

12:00 PM         Booths Open
All booths open - large variety of food, souvenirs. Glow-in-the-dark jewelry goes on sale at 4th of July Committee booth before fireworks.

12:00 PM         Chicken Barbecue
Chicken Barbecue will be located behind the business block until sold out. This barbecue is put on by volunteers. All proceeds support 4th of July festivities. Thank you to our volunteers!

12:00 PM         Dunk Tank
Free Dunk Tank, located behind the Thomaston Business Block. Sponsored by Fabian Oil.

12:00 PM         Children's Booths
Children's booths open from after parade until fireworks. Games of chance with many levels of prizes - everyone wins! Games sponsored by Brooks Trap Mill in Thomaston, and staffed by all volunteers. A Big thank you to all who help!

12:00 PM         Raffle Tickets Go on Sale
Raffle tickets go on sale at the 4th of July Committee Booth behind the block in Thomaston. Fabulous prizes - lots of restaurant and local merchant gift certificates. Prizes announced during evening band intermissions.

12:00 PM         Bouncy Houses
Two bouncy houses for children - a Giraffe and The Edge. Fun for all from after the parade, until 8 PM. Sponsored by Lyman Morse Boatbuilding. All donations go to the 4th of July festivities.

12:30 PM         Freeze Frame - Band
Our fabulouse local band, Freeze Frame, will play behind the Thomaston Business Block. Prepare to rock!

1:00 PM         Cod Adams Memorial Horseshoe Tournament
Horseshoe Tournament will be behind the business block on Lura Libby School field. All donations support the 4th of July. Prizes provided by the estate of Cod Adams, long-time beloved director of our annual horseshoe tournament.

5:00 PM         Creatures of Habit - Band
Creatures of Habit, a much in demand local band,  will be playing from 5pm to 9pm, leading us up to the fireworks finale!

6:00 PM         Raffle Winners Announced
After 6:00pm, Listen for announcements of prize winners between song sets. Come enjoy the music and collect your prize!

9:15 PM         Fireworks
In the event of rain the fireworks will be rescheduled to July 5th. Thank you to all the volunteers who spend their afternoon setting up the gorgeous fireworks display!

Posted by Catinka Knoth at 9:56 PM EDT
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