Topic: Kids Art Class
We drew the animals by coloring in imaginary outlines. Simple forms are easier. Hence the origami looking figures. Some kids made outlines around their animals after they had 'colored' them in. It helps you to 'feel' a form by working this way. It can also be frustrating because it is hard to control, but it is not supposed to be neat & tidy, even though the kids may want it to be neat and tidy. Some kids just drew the outlines first anyway. We also have a few very young ones who work alongside drawing whatever and however they can. Young ones allowed to make themselves happy drawing and making marks will naturally progress on their own.
Here we started out using a Peace Treaty Wampum design to build figures with small block marks to imitate the beads. What else is this like? Mosaics, tiles, pixels, needlework are some we brainstormed.

My demonstration drawing of peace treaty wampum design, Native American canoing & teepees on the river bank.