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Saturday, 22 April 2006
My Family of Four
Topic: Thursday Photo Challenge
This week's Thursday Photo Challenge - Valuable. I completely forgot about it until yesterday. The theme of "Valuable", which I assume was chosen for its connection to our recent tax day, could range from money to children. I have no children. My cats have been my surrogate children, or family. In the past month or so, two of my six cats died. There are now four cats in my family. And finally all my cats are on the bed together, which is about as close as some cats of different walks of cat life will get to being a family. They have now also gotten to the point where they can forget their differences long enough to be a family for a short time when I come home. I open the door and find them clustered there in greeting. Then they rub against me and sometimes each other before they can realize what they're doing and give each other tentative sniffs and perhaps a lick on an ear. Just for a few minutes though. Enough is enough.
My Cat Family

Posted by Catinka Knoth at 2:59 PM EDT

Tuesday, 25 April 2006 - 1:55 AM EDT

Name: Karen
Home Page: http://www.karensblog.com

Now that's a fine group of healthy looking cats. Amazing that they can get along so close together if they are not littermates. Those two in the front look related, are they?

Wednesday, 26 April 2006 - 1:02 PM EDT

Name: Charlotte
Home Page: http://www.boltsofmelody.blogspot.com/

oh that breaks my heart! just precious. xo

Wednesday, 26 April 2006 - 8:27 PM EDT

Name: Catinka

Karen - As far as I know they are not related. They are all strays or 'turnup cats' (a phrase I've come across for cats that turn up at your door). The little grey and white tiger? on the left recently recovered from a cold so bad I thought I was losing her as well. She had stopped eating and then I remembered to try some canned tuna. She went nuts for it. She had stopped eating because she couldn't smell. The tuna she could smell. I was soon able to mix it with softened dry food. It may be awhile before she's weaned from it. But she has made a great comeback and is back to being quite lively.

Wednesday, 28 June 2006 - 4:08 PM EDT

Name: "Catinka"
Home Page: https://catinkacards.tripod.com/coloring_pages/index

I'm just testing a new system Tripod has installed that so far has been wreaking havoc with the blogs and comment/reply features. This was posted under "reply to this comment".

Wednesday, 28 June 2006 - 4:15 PM EDT

Name: "Catinka "
Home Page: https://catinkacards.tripod.com/id6.html

Another test, this time from the main blog page under "post comment". The last comment I test posted, did post but it did not show up in the count underneath the blog entry. It should say 4 comments there but only says 3 comments, as of this writing. Let us see if this shows up in the comments and shows up in the count. I must remember to check back later too. 

Monday, 10 July 2006 - 8:42 AM EDT

Name: "Catinka Knoth"
Home Page: http://catinkacards.com

Testing again to see if anything has been changed here. My log reports say that someone unbeknownst to me was accessing the inner workings of my site. I only hope it was the tripod/lycos people. .............ellipses to indicate there should be a line break. We'll find out in a moment.Well here we go - the control buttons to this text window are off the screen and I forgot what the work around is......Nothing has been fixed. It still won't edit. This disappeared when I tried the preview/edit function. I had managed to copy it to the desktop though and thus resubmit. Resubmitting only works by refreshing the page and starting all over. And now I'm finding it very hard to try to copy paste this. I give up. I can't copy/paste it again. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for when I can copy/paste

Monday, 10 July 2006 - 1:11 PM EDT

Name: "chris ( doodle in another life ;)"

Catinka, Love your kitties!

I saw your post this am so wanted to check this out  to see how things work on a Mac and Safari.

trying for formatting now.

Getting a Safari alert to "please leave a comment" when I try to preview the comment I wrote..... HTML editor does not show the comment either. Ouch!

I could not post any way, any how in Safari 1.3.2 (v312.6) on OSX (10.3). Now trying netscape 7 

PS- The fix for the disappearing submit/preview buttons is to use your browser's vertical scroller to scroll up to the top of the page. Use your mouse to click anywhere in the page content you see. The edit window should pop up to the top of the page. from here you can use the vertical scroll again to navigate to those buttons. Works in other brwosers but have not tried this in Safari.

re someone accessing your files- well, hopefully it IS someone from Tripod/Lycos. You will have the IP address used to access your files so make note of that. Suppose you could look up the IP to see where it's coming from. If Lycos/tripod then it will probably be from the Waltham, Mass area.


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